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Teach the Children

  /   Thursday February 12, 2004  

Steve Kellmeyer really strikes a chord with this one. When we take children to religious education but hardly ever discuss the faith outside of this, is it any wonder that they disregard it? Is it any wonder that they hate going to religion class? The part that I found interesting was this:

The American bishops know all this. They even wrote a letter, Our Hearts Are Burning Within Us, that says adult education is of central importance and that the bulk of parish resources are to be devoted to adult education. The bulk of parish resources. Hmmm..

Do you know of a parish that has anything like this? I see children’s ministry abound, but very little is offered for adults. When it is offered, the adults don’t show up. I would add this to Kellmeyer’s point . . . we do need to teach the parents to do their jobs, but we first need to tell them that they need to do their jobs.

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