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It Causes Death Alright

  /   Saturday December 04, 2004  

Recently, the FDA has implemented a labeling change for Mifeprex (aka RU-486). In fact, it’s now in what we call a “black box warning,” which is defined by cynics as that information that lawyers expect you to know. Granted, this happens to lots of drugs, but this one says that Danco and the FDA have “received reports of serious bacterial infection, bleeding, ectopic pregnancies that have ruptured, and death, including another death from sepsis.”

How ironic that they would put that the drug causes death! That’s what the drug does. It kills an innocent child every time that it is “effective.” Yes, I know what they mean in this warning, but it is not unreasonable to say that this drug is on the market for purely political reasons and not because it is something of value.

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