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Man with New Toy

  /   Sunday December 05, 2004  

My cell phone died last week. I was hoping to get another month out of it, but I didn’t. So, I went ahead and bought what I was going to get anyway. I managed to get to the store on the first day that they had the Treo 650 in stock. This is one awesome gadget.

Now, I can check my e-mail anytime on the phone or even browse the web. I had a bit of trouble with the sound calling my family, but I called Sprint and got a great technical support rep to help. So far it works, but the real test will be today when I try again. The screen is nice and bright, and the programs I had for Palm work on it. It even has a speaker phone. The only real I see in this device is that it only has 24 MB of memory.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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