David Ancell / Monday January 03, 2005
If you go to my main page and look on the About Page, you will see my new picture. In the last few months, I’ve lost about 30 pounds and have dumped the dorky glasses. Anyway, I hope everyone reading this had a Happy New Year!
I spent some time at a party with friends on New Year’s Eve and then went to eat with my aunt, uncle, and cousin on New Year’s Day. It was one of those weekends that were so filled with activity that I felt like I had been off work for a long time. Then again, I plan to take off a couple of days soon. Also, my Dell Axim X5 came in last week, so I’ve had a new toy to play with. I now have wireless connection to my e-mail.
On another note, the Perpetual Adoration chapel at my parish is going great so far. I can hardly go in there without there being several people in it. I hope that we build a special chapel. I will surely contribute to it.
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