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Aaaargh! Missed My Blogiversary

  /   Saturday July 09, 2005  

I can’t believe I forgot my own blogiversary. It was on July 6, 2002 that I first began this blog. I am now three years in. I’m still here but just not as often. I have become very busy lately. In fact, I just completed editing some audio that had been sitting on my hard drive since last September.

While you are at it, check out Musings from Memphis, which I just added to my links. This blog is written and maintained by Derek Rotty, whom I know from church. I’ll talk more about what I am doing later as I am about to stop doing some things I’ve been doing to make room for this, and I haven’t told the people affected yet.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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