David Ancell's Virtual Home

If You Are Reading This

  /   Sunday July 24, 2005  

If you are reading this blog entry, then you are seeing my pages in their new home. I have moved everything to CrystalTech, using the Intermediate Cold Fusion account. So far, this seems like a good, solid web service. Their control panel is rather complicated, but it lets me do a lot of good stuff.

However, there is a side effect for the blog. My weblog.davidancell.com address now points to a subdirectory and gets rendered as weblog.davidancell.com/weblog/. This means that if you linked to one of my posts, the link won’t work. However, I think I can fix the link problem with a script in the near future. I don’t know if I can fix the URL, though. The good news is that the www.davidancell.com/weblog/ address now works again.

Originally, I planned to redo my site as an ASP.NET site. However, I think that I will be beginning work shortly on a Cold Fusion MX 7 site instead. I have found that Cold Fusion will let me develop faster. Also, my blog and content manager have been Cold Fusion for some time, and the hosts that I tried that allowed both services never really worked out that well. Hopefully, I will have underway that which I have put off for so long. My only problem is coming up with a design. I am terrible at this. If I could just think of a design that I could work, I could get this done.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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