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Happy New Year

  /   Sunday January 01, 2006  

Happy New Year to all my readers! I don’t know what all this year holds, but I’m hoping for the best. I hope to grow in my faith. I want to be able to get out of myself more and focus on God and neighbor. I want the Gospel message to travel more from my head to my heart. I wish to truly be transformed by God’s grace. I hope that all of you have the same experience.

The only thing that I see on the radar so far is the upcoming ordination of the first seminarian whom I knew before he was in seminary. It doesn’t seem that he has been in seminary that long. I missed his diaconate ordination on account of my sister’s graduation from medical school, so I need to try to be at his priestly ordination. He will be an awesome priest. However, I must admit that it will feel funny calling him “Father.”

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