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One More Thing From Last Year

  /   Sunday January 01, 2006  

I just remembered one more thing that I forgot in my New Year’s Eve post. This year also saw the end of the Frassati Society. When the group started, it was a great way to learn the Catholic faith as it is. One would hear a lot of “Wow, I never heard that before!” statements.

Truthfully, it was never easy getting participation. A ministry like this needs the support of members to keep it going. At one time, we were quite welcoming of new people. Over time, the group became a clique that only welcomed those who were of our own kind. I must admit that, despite have been in the group from the beginning and having been the webmaster, I really didn’t feel welcome there most of the time. Then again, these were the friends who took me out to eat for my 30th birthday last July, and I had a great time.

I did gain much from the group, although much of it came rather late. I renewed my love for the Eucharist. I learned that everything the Church teaches is good. This nonsense about the Church being “repressive” is just that, nonsense. I also gained a great desire to teach and defend the faith. Unfortunately, at first I thought that my goal was to bring forth a conversation “stopper” instead of a “starter.” Sometimes I was just too good at that. I have since learned differently, and I pray that God will allow me to use what I have learned.

With this death, there was a resurrection. I have made friends with members in another group. I doubt I would see eye to eye with a few of them on some things, but they are all respectful and welcoming. They are genuinely good people. I’m happy to have met them, and I hope to develop some genuine friendships with them. God truly did open a window after having closed a door.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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