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  /   Monday April 10, 2006  

After months of delay, the USCCB has finally published the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. I have long awaited this. Unfortunately, the hardcover version has been delayed. I went ahead and bought a paperback so that I’d have it.

My first impression from the parts I’ve read is that this is an excellent resource. It isn’t particularly in-depth due to its smaller size, but I’ve found the concise answers to the questions to be very understandable. For some reason, I tend to find the question-and-answer format to be ideal for finding clear, easy to grasp information. I recommend this book to anyone wanting to learn more about the Catholic Faith, especially those who might have found the full Cathechism intimidating.

Oh, and I see that the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults is about to be published as well. I’m waiting to see what this is like.

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