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More on Steubenville

  /   Wednesday August 02, 2006  

I’m back. I have been off work for the past three days, and I’ve needed it to catch my breath. The next step is to catch up on housework as my apartment is a mess. In fact, I can’t find something I really need to find right now. Oh well, I think I can get it replaced if I must.

Anyway, I wanted to share a little more about the Steubenville conference. You may be aware that Jim Cowan is no longer doing the music, but Bob Rice has taken his place. I was quite impressed with the band and with how they combined both the traditional (Holy, Holy, Holy, The Church’s One Foundation, All Creatures of Our God and King) and the contemporary (including Professor Rice’s original songs). I hope that he and his band come out with their own CDs. In the meantime, you can check out Bob Rice’s music at his web site, and you can check out the band at their web site.

They had two Bob Rice CDs for sale at the bookstore, and I bought both. I didn’t think I’d like the bluegrass, but I have found that I like what I’ve listened to. He is a great songwriter. When I got home, I bought the MP3s from the Backyard Galaxy album, which you can find on his site. Check it out when you get a chance.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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