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Time to Be Pro-Life

  /   Sunday January 21, 2007  

If we support nothing else, it is imperative that we support the pro-life cause. As someone who was born after the criminally insane Roe vs. Wade decision, I’m grateful that I wasn’t aborted. It’s not that I think my parents were considering it. I’m pretty sure they weren’t. However, they could have if they had wanted to.

I hope that there are parishes out there with really active pro-life groups. The one at my parish does do some things, but they are very small. Another parish has only three people on their committee. What is going on? Is the pastor not promoting it enough or supporting it enough? We must get together to fight this abomination!

In other news, I have a podcast that is in post-production that I hope to post tomorrow. I didn’t even intend for it to be a specifically pro-life podcast, but it is certainly relevant. Please check my podcast page for it when you can.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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