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Do the Rites Right

  /   Tuesday January 14, 2003  

I think I could write an entire article on why the Sacraments should be done properly. In fact, maybe I’ll do that next or close to next. I have a couple of ideas for my web page.

This comes to mind as I read this post by Jeff Miller. There’s a comment by a gentleman named Andy who is concerned that people will be punished because the priest botched the baptism. The article clearly mentions the principle of ecclesia supplet (which I intend to look up in Canon Law now that I know that’s where it is). I’ve heard of this concept before, but I don’t know how it works.

However, would God not bestow his sacramental grace because of a botched outward sign? I do think it is a possibility. God uses human beings to serve his divine purpose. Although only God can create a soul, the fact is that none of us would have been created if our parents had not performed the marriage act. We would never have been baptised to begin with if there hadn’t been someone to get us into the church, either physically or spiritually. God proclaims his message through human bishops and priests. Even in the writing of the Scriptures, God used human beings.

We know that it is possible for bishops, priests, religious educators, etc to do a bad job proclaiming the Gospel. We know that such has consequences. We see the consequences every day. So, knowing that God works through human beings and expects them to do their jobs right, it stands to reason that God would expect the outward sign of a sacrament to be done correctly.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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