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Home Again

  /   Sunday July 20, 2003  

I made it home about an hour ago. The morning was great, with Marcus Grodi talking about his Coming Home Network and Kimberly Hahn talking about Life-Nurturing Love. Then we had the closing Mass. Fr. Benedict Groeschel gave the homily. This made for a great end to the conference.

I had a long time before my plane left, so I stayed behind to pray. I met some people from New Orleans while doing the Stations of the Cross and prayed it with them. They were a great group of people.

I hope to post some more thoughts on the conference as more things come to mind. I did make one observation. The field house where our main sesions were held really looks more like a church than some churches do. The outside is shaped kind of like a church. The inside actually has an apse above the stage where the altar is placed for Mass. No, it doesn’t look that much like a church, but I’m sure there are plenty of churches that look like gymnasiums.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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